The majority of my not-so-frequent posts on this blog of late have been less than 140 characters. Do you realize what this means?
I've been twitterized. Anything I have to say can probably be said in a tweet.
So let it be written.
So let it be done.
9 years ago
Though without judgment, I personal regret this. Perhaps I'm just sentimental.
No! You shouldn't do it!
By the way, how do you keep track of the number of posts?
Nevermind. I think I figured it out.
NOOOO! I'm a shameless twitter-hater. Come back to the light, come back to the light!
I'm thinking... I'm considering... Maybe every once in a while I'll have something to say that merits mention on here. But I wrote this post as kind of an excuse as to why I blog so rarely and why the posts are so, um, brief.
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