Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What On Earth is a Twenty-eight year old Man Doing Reading Anita Stansfield?

Getting to know the products we sell, that's what.

When I interviewed for the job at Seagull, the district manager asked me about my product knowledge (you know, of the products that Seagull carries), and I told him honestly that I knew quite a lot about books written by general authorities and religion professors from BYU, but that was about it. I had never read much (i.e. any) LDS fiction. 

Well, now I have read some LDS fiction.

Perhaps I'll get to that another time.

But yesterday I did change up our "Inspirational" section. I made a section specifically for books written by general authorities and took them out of the section where they would sit next to books about people's visits to the spirit world by pre and post-mortality.

It just felt right.


Megan said...

how is anita? i was noticing at my in-law's last week that my MIL has a whole shelf of Ms. Stansfield's work and I wondered at that. But I can't judge I was quite into Jack Weyland during my teen years. Oh that Charley.... the tears I shed.

Denae said...

I have read almost every book she has penned. except her most recent stuff. She is the Author of my favorite book " The Gable faces East"

Let me know if you want to borrow some. :)

Tianna said...

Let me know if you need any recommendations for LDS fiction. It's my favorite genre. :) Also, I temporarily have 2 Anita Stansfield CDs if you need listening material in the car. :) tee hee

Spencer Ellsworth said...

Heh. I remember reading Jack Weyland.

Read Margaret Blair-Young and Darius Gray's "Standing on the Promise" series.