Saturday, February 28, 2009

This one's for Shel

Did you read Shel Silverstein poems as a kid? There was one where this kid tells his teacher, "I growed another head," to which his teacher responds, "It's time you knowed, the word is grew instead of growed."

In the spirit of this poem I present to you a part of a conversation that Joshua and Morgan had about the word "think."

Morgan: "I'm sinking, I'm sinking, I'm sinking that I don't want to do that."
Joshua: "Morgan, not sinking, sinking is bad. FINK, Morgan, you're finking."


Megan said...

That's hilarious. It reminded me of this
I love kids.

Unknown said...


Some of my nephews were recently having a similar conversation. One of them built a giraffe out of plastic blocks and said "It's a girayaffe!" (For some reason, he has a southern accent, even though his parents aren't southern.) His four-year-old cousin Colin looked at him imperiously and said "No, Jared, you say it giwaffe."

TJ said...

kids, what do they know anyway?

The Betitas said...

LOVE IT! That is great:)

100K Miles...and then some said...

Gotta love those conversations. Josh and Morgan and just at the right age too. Just like our girls, Maya is old enough that she feels she knows it all and thus imparts her wisdom to Avery.

Laurie said...

so funny.