Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Remember back then, when I said that I wanted to be a life coach?

Me neither.

Actually I do. But that's because I write this dang thing.

Anyway, I just came from a website of a life coach and read up on the fees she charges....

$500.00 a (!!!!) month!

For one client.

"Ok, suck that air in, now blow it out. That's right, that's how you live."

Dude. I really do need to be a life coach.That, or the Jazz should have signed me to be their thirteenth player. Seriously, I would be happy to go to all the games, wear a suit, and sit behind the players' bench.

Oh, and get paid whatever the lowest salary is for an NBA player who never plays.

(i.e. much more than I get paid now)


Spencer Ellsworth said...

I'm sucking in air and my life still... sucks.


Holdinator said...

Try breathing in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

That will be $500.00.

Your welcome.

Chrissy said...

The other day Spencer talked about hiring you as a life coach. Can you please lower your price?

Holdinator said...

Oh, I'll coach Spencer for free. He knows that.