Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dude Just wants One

Mini #1 likes to pick seeded dandy lions and make wishes as he blows the seeds off:

"I wish for a powerful mask."

And tonight after praying that my phone would work (it's not been having problems, but I guess it's a good precautionary measure), he prayed, "And bless that we can go to the store and get stuff... for me. Bless that I can get a powerful mask."

The problem is, though, that we're not sure what he means by "powerful mask." What do you think this powerful mask is?


TJ said...

If you figure it out, let me know, I want one too.

Laurie said...

Maybe one with super know.

Matsby said...

A powerful mask? Whatever that is, it sounds awesome!

Chrissy said...
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Chrissy said...

Are you in trouble?

or a powerful mask is probably infinite powers.