Sunday, October 12, 2008

Luke warm

This is my Jerry Sloan face. It needs some work, but I think it's pretty good.

I shaved three days in a row this last week. It had something to do with job interviews. I may still get offered one of those jobs, but the other one won't work out because I failed a sales proficiency test that asked questions such as, "Do you like to force people into decisions they may not want to make?"

At least 20 questions were very similar to that, and I answered no when if I wanted the job I should have said yes.

Just before getting the phone call informing me that I didn't get said job, we went to this place with big inflatable toys that even I was allowed to play on. It was awesome, and totally exhausting. 
This is me and Mini #1 after playing at this place. 

Then this morning it was 59 degrees in our house because someone, probably a very small someone, shut off the furnace. There's a switch on the furnace unit in our bedroom closet/utility closet, and Mini #2 really likes to play with that switch.

Incidentally, he also likes to play with the thermostat on the water heater which is also in the same closet (we try to keep him out of there, but sometimes he sneaks in quickly and does his business before we realize what happened). Thanks to his interest in the water heater this morning, after trying to warm up a little in our chilly house, I took a very chilly shower because the water heater was turned all the way down past the "vacation" setting.


Laurie said...

What a good little energy conservationist.

The Morty's said...

I hope he does not make a habit of that LOL

Good luck on the job interviews

Matsby said...

That does look like Jerry Sloan.

And I also once failed a sales test. Becuase I went back and forth in my head between being honest, telling them what they want to hear, and confusion that even if I answer it the way they want me to, they will know I am lying... thaqt kind of thing.

You have to have a set plan when you take those kinds of tests.

Chrissy said...

at least your heating bill will probably be down.

Shot by blaine said...

maybe the bouncy castle thing didn't do it for your boy and the hot water thing is his way of telling you that it's time for a real vacation