Friday, July 31, 2009

Prolegomena, in which Holdinator considers different lines with which to open the story of his evening

1. It usually begins with Jack and Jack.

2. My iPod has a total of five songs.

3. It was from Dan Belnap that the words, "Near East," first struck a chord.

4. It was Jessica's suggestion that I create a book case specifically for biographies.

5. At one point I stopped to read a chapter from The Undertaking.

6. I had planned on not getting much rest.

Which one would most likely cause you to keep reading? Even if there were no pictures and the post went on for many paragraphs?


Holdinator said...

NONE of them! Hah!

Holdinator said...

Dude, be cool.

Merritt said...

I vote for #1: It usually begins with Jack and Jack. :)

Jessica said...

hello merritt!! Hi! Hi! I tried shouting at the computer but this may be more effective... and dang it brian! It really burns me that you have an 8gig ipod with five songs on it! don't ever REMIND me.

Veiltender said...

I like the Belnap line, of course.

I also think it is really cool that you have only five songs on your iPod.

I knew I liked you for a reason.


Denae said...

I vote iPod.

Megan said...

I'm wondering about that ipod.

Unknown said...

I like them all. But if I had to choose one, I'd choose #5.