Friday, April 4, 2008

Only In Provo

A member of one of the wards in my mission once told me that Mormons don't need mind-altering substances to act weird.

He was right.

Tonight I witnessed about 7-8 guys dressed all in white ninja-style (hoods and masks included) walk casually across Bulldog Blvd via University Ave toward two young ladies on the other side of the street. Instead of running like I expected them to, the girls appeared to do as they were instructed by the ninjas, sitting down and submitting themselves to a Ghost Buster-like examination (the ninjas pulled out instruments that looked like Egon's Supernatural Detector Thingy). I had to drive on because the light turned green.

What the heck was going on? Is there anyone out there who can enlighten me here?


Matsby said...

The only way I can answer your question is to remind you that you were in Provo.

And sometimes there are no answers when it comes to that.

TheKeilShpeel said...

Ok.. that is weird.. I swear Provo can really mess some people up :) haha. I'm glad we made it through ok.

Laurie said...
