Monday, January 28, 2008

My Tribute

Where can I begin? How about with an anecdote? That's always a nice place to start. Last night, with millions of other members of the Church, Jessica and I got word that President Hinckley had passed away. Jessica's mom called and told us. The following minutes found the two of us hugging each other as Jessica cried, and Joshua came into the room. Anytime Joshy sees Jessica upset he tries his darnedest to comfort her. I explained to him that Mommy was sad because President Hinckley went to live with Heavenly Father. He furrowed his brow and started to say something, and finally came around to saying, "Well, we need to tell Jesus not to take President Hinckley away from us."

That's good. Now where to go? Ah yes, how about this? I got to work this morning and Scott, my boss, said, "We better get our flags to half-staff before the storm blows in." It made me well pleased to do that in honor of his memory. Thanks to Scott for not being ashamed to mourn the death of President Hinckley here on this private property.

When Jessica told me my first thought was probably similar to many others'. "Good for him!" I thought, "He's finally with his sweet Marjorie again." This morning on KSL a reporter said that a lot of people had expressed this sentiment to him. What a wonderful couple they were! How blessed that they can finally be together again, after nearly four years of separation. Of course we each will miss him dearly, but thanks be to the Lord for allowing him to be relieved of mortality and come into the presence of his beloved companion again.
Speaking of reunions and meetings. Think about what it must have been like when President Hinckley met, as I'm sure he has, Joseph Smith! Joseph, who was the instrument in introducing all of the wonderful things that President Hinckley has so wonderfully and effectively spread, including the blessings of the temple. President Eyring testifies in Special Witnesses of Christ that Joseph saw visions of temples spreading across the earth. In no way has that happened as it did in the last thirteen years. I can't even imagine the incredible meeting that must have been between these two prophets of God!

That's all I'll write now. There is so much more to say, so much that can and will be said in honor of this incredible person. He is our prophet, those of us who grew up with him! I love him.


Laurie said...

It is interesting to think that Jordan, and many others, have never known another prophet. And he sort of seemed immortal for a time.

Holdinator said...

Yeah he did. From what the news has been saying today his health just kind of declined really in the last week. Sort of like Sister Hinckley; he just went until the Lord took him.

Anonymous said...

President Hinckley has done so much for so many. I honor him as a prophet, and friend. He specially loved the youth of the church. He has been a super optimistic in the face of some of the most troubling times this world has ever faced.

I found a site honoring him, where anyone can go to and leave a message in tribute to his memory.

The site is:

mrs. farlanderz said...

brian how are you? I found your blog throught the smyers and I wanted to say hello - also I wanted to apologize for the last time i saw you at the hospital! i hadn't slept and it was a sad situation - I hope you are your fam are well! take care - helene and taylor farland

Tiffany said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Pres. Hinckley. I will miss him.