Thursday, January 10, 2008

Police Beat

If you went to, have ever been to, or ever heard about BYU, you may be aware that in the campus newspaper there is a section called "Police Beat." It covers just about everything that police were called to respond to in the weekly life of the campus. I mean everything.

Yesterday, while browsing through one of my favorite sites I re-read an old and favorite humor column that parodied this section of the Daily Universe (BYU's paper). I can't do justice to either the actual column or the parody, wherefore I will provide links to each in turn.

The first two are not meant to be jokes at all. They are the actual Police Beat columns from the Daily Universe. The last one is the parody. Enjoy!

Police Beat example 1
Police Beat example 2
The Parody

I hope you got a good, hearty laugh from it. I know I did.


Laurie said...

That is hilarious. The real examples are just as funny as the parody! "poo poo" with a wipe-off marker?!

Holdinator said...

That was one of my favorite.

Megan said...

I remember reading those actual police beats in the daily universe. My freshman year there was one about a guy skiing down the steps by the fieldhouse. Thanks for reminding me of the joy the police beat brings. And Eric Snyder is a genius.

Tiffany said...

When we were at BYU, we'd often laugh at these Police Beats- they're hilarious! We should look them up more ofter for a good laugh!

Chrissy said...

The best part about Poo Poo written in washable marker was that it was reported as "gang related."

I will forever be in your debt for posting this. Thank you.