I don't know. I'm not really one to comment on politics and things like that, but I do find it interesting that there are a lot of talking heads out there encouraging (to use a euphemism) everyone to do their part to save the environment. It seems like this is especially prevalent from the Hollywood crowd. Now, I have nothing against speaking in favor of the environment. I really do think that everyone needs to be careful to take care of this world that we have stewardship over. After all, the Lord gave men and women "dominion" over the earth and the things therein. If you ever want to read a really great exposition on what that means, find Hugh Nibley's "Man's Dominion or Subduing the Earth." He tells how the words used in the texts refer to the type of kingly dominion that King Benjamin exemplified.
Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh yes. Hollywood telling us to be enviro-conscious. I can't speak for all of the folks in the entertainment industry, but it does seem like they use more than their share of the energy out there to make their productions, and probably cause more waste than the average person/family/community... I don't know. But seriously, think about it, are they really the ones who should be telling us to turn off the water when we shower? (By the way, how does that work?)
Yet, in the midst of all this we see one entertainer who really seems to be the genuine article. A man who stays pretty well down to earth--literally. A man who, if you do a google search of his name, you may find an older newspaper article that discusses how he helped build a garden for a local elementary school (so that kids can learn how to take care of plants and renew life in the earth), and his wife brought lunch for all the workers.
This man is releasing a new album on Feb. 5. There is a video on youtube that kind of documents the making of this new album. I'm posting a link to it so that you can see how he really does do his part in taking care of the environment (recording in a solar-powered studio built out of refuse lumber). But what I love most about this is that there is a conspicuous lack of self-righteousness in his demeanor. He's not preachy about it! He just does it because that's who he is--you can sense a real-ness about him that is lacking in a lot of the entertainment world out there.
Not only all this, but his music sure is beautiful.
9 years ago
I love his 3R's song (I don't know the actual title) -- reduce, reuse, recycle. My kids will tell you I'm pretty crazy about recycling. I can't allow a plastic bag or piece of paper to end up in a landfill! However, I would like to visit the recyclery (or whatever it's called) someday to make sure it's all worth it.
Dad used to turn the water off while showering and encouraged us to do the same! You don't remember?
Oh no. I remember that. What I was referring to is a comment that some actress made (I don't remember who) having to do with turning off her shower while she shaved her legs... I can't imagine that being very effective.
I love Jack's music. I had no idea he was that Envir friendly. That's awesome.
Oh and as far as the beach..I don't take anyday for granted down here. I love it and as you can always see we are living it up. I'm am so thankful for the gorgeous weather. We are actually getting rain all week.. This is the second time for a week in a row.. We need it and I love the rain too. I feel bad for you guys though. You are being pounded on.
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