Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm not terribly clever, but I sure felt so today when I listed my other blog here on Holdinator. I built an acronym out of "Brian's Other Blog." BOB! What a clever little title! Ah, but that brings me to the reason that I renamed my link to it.
The BOB blog (I know that's redundant, but give me a break, people still say "ATM machine" and "PIN number" after all) is no longer just a general Mormon-ish blog, but has a purpose. It'll be for sounding off on thoughts I have about books that I am reading and a monthly home teaching installment, and that's it. It hasn't felt quite right until now, and it is so satisfying.
But I can't talk about Bob without talking about Bob.This is Bob Hawkins. He's a coworker of mine at Saturn, and one heck of a guy. He's done some very kind things for Jessica and I and deserves to be recognized for the dang cool guy that he is.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I like the idea of your new BOB. Or, I should say, newly named and formatted BOB.