Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Conspiracy

One semester at BYU I took a computer class. The professor one day was talking about perspective or something, and he put one of these things up on the overhead. I immediately thought Oh, one of those things.

I had never been able to see anything in one of these pictures... everyone around me would say, "Wow! That's so cool! Look at that!"

I'd just stare and see nothing. I'd tried for hours at a time, adjusting my eyes, "looking past the image" going cross-eyed and every other tactic people told me to use. But they never worked.

Well this professor claimed that he had helped a number of his students see the images in these things and he had a 100% success record.

I decided to break that success rate for him, because there was no way he could help me see one of these things.

I went to his office; he had me sit in front of one of these things, shone a little light behind my head and had me focus on it in the reflection of the picture. I didn't see anything until suddenly the shape of a dinosaur started making its way into my line of vision.

But the thing still looked like the pattern! I thought this would be some kind of detailed picture in full color, etc.

This professor did much for me. He helped me know that the entire world was not in on a conspiracy to convince me that these magic eye pictures were more than what I thought they were.

Then I dropped his class.


Angie Lewis said...

I hate those things too...I remember in Jr High, I got some folders that supposedly had hidden pictures like that. My friend and I would sit for hours going cross-eyed, moving them slowly back and forth, etc...and I NEVER saw ONE of them! Even with a cheat-sheet on the back of the folders that showed me what I was supposedly going to see...I totally agree that they are a conspiracy! :)

Holdinator said...

Oh yeah. Middle school was when they were really popular. So much so that I think they put one in the Dixon year book one year, and it was a fake (from what those "in the know" told me).