Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is a Secure Area

J and I went on a date tonight. I really like going on dates with her. She's extremely cool.

After dinner (Thai food, mm, curry), we went to Borders so J could find some new books. One of the reasons I really love her is that she loves to read.

We arrived at Borders, and I made it through the security devices at the front of the store without incident.

Whew!Not long before leaving Borders I used the restroom. They have security devices guarding the way to the bathrooms at Borders.

I made it through these on the way into the restroom without incident as well.

Second time, whew! (again)
But then they caught me on the way out of the restrooms. Walking past the security devices a loud (and I mean really loud so that J heard it clearly at the other side of the store) alarm sounded, and an employee (or two) gave me funny looks, and one said to me, "What did you do?".

It took me all of five minutes to come up with this really witty reply:

"I washed my hands, honest!"

So here's to my slow wit, and apparently a pair of pants that still have some security button on them.

Or whatever.

They didn't set the device off on the way out of the store.


TJ said...

Maybe there was tp stuck to the bottom of your shoe and the alarm was just friendly way to let you know.

TheKeilShpeel said...

How fun.. Dates are the best, when we actually get out on them :)