Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Get Crazy With the Cheese Wiz

Takes you back, doesn't it?

For the first time in my memory, early this morning, I had an anxiety attack.

Great, huh? I feel like such a part of humanity somehow; so in touch.

You know?

I kind of started having another one this evening, but gratefully I have two very playful children who brought me out of it quickly. Mini#1 wanted me to push him on a swing while mini#2 played with the hose--total lack of cares. Bless them.

Maybe sometime I'll blog about what I feel is the cause of this anxiety, but for now, suffice it to say, it had a lot to do with these two dudes:

Something else that helped:

Two tall glasses of Ovaltine. Mm.


Mark said...

Those glasses of ovaltine sure look good.

Laurie said...

I'm not sure who those two dudes are. And I'm not sure why anyone likes Ovaltine!

Kids are great aren't they? Hope the anxiety is past you now.

Chrissy said...

so confused on the suited guys please esplain

Holdinator said...

Hey now. I happen to like Ovaltine (in spite of their awful, really really awful, commercials).