Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reclaiming the psyche 7: Memories

This is apparently a bloggy thing that's going on right now (it's the cool thing to do, you know?).

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

I look forward to the responses.


The Morty's said...

Mine would have to be almost the same as yours. When we went to the Team Member Orentation. It was nice to hear about your boys and meet you.

Laurie said...

Oh, which would I pick? So many....

Maybe how much you loved a certain song by the Thompson Twins?

Chrissy said...

There was this time when Brian taught me to ride a bike.
He let go too soon and I skinned my knee. He helped me up gave me some ice-cream and sang buckethead till I felt better.

TJ said...

I remember seeing you at your desk studing all the time. You seemed like a seminary teacher, so I finally asked, and whadda know. I had a lot of respect for you but thought maybe you might be just a little dull. Then I found out you were in a band and knew the name of Mama's Cafe.
Dull no more.

Holdinator said...


I thought it would be.


I'm pretty sure I didn't know and/or care who sang the song. So I'm now having a tough time figuring out what the song was. It was kind of like with "Sleigh Ride;" I had no idea it was by the Osmonds (mostly Donny).


Yep. What else can I say?


Dull no more is right. You should see me skank while I mow the lawn listening to my iPod.

Laurie said...

follow-up to my comment, your response:

most of the memories i have about you involve music. and there are a lot of memories. i lived with you for the first 9 or 10 years of your life.

Jessica said...

I remember you kicking the baby car seat across the room when you couldn't get the visor on. LOL, I am glad to say I'm not worried about that kind of thing with the bun in the ov'n. You are a much more competent father now.

Holdinator said...

Gosh, I'm glad. I'll bet I could get that visor figured out now.

Megan said...

Okay, I remember playing "Full House" during recess--I think you were uncle Jesse until Lilly told you that you couldn't be Uncle Jesse anymore and that ruined your little first grade life. Harsh. And I remember once that we were playing on the tire swing and it flew off. The big ball came out of the socket and we went flying. Then we dragged the whole tire swing into the office and told them that it broke. Remember that?

Denae said...

Most of my memories of you consist of RASH, Choir and that crazy fellow .. Heath

Holdinator said...

Full House ruined my life! I think there are probably quite a few people who could say that.

Ah Heath, he sure brought some color to Provo High.

Sacajawea said...

I remember going to a drive-in and someone hiding in your trunk...I'm guessing Mikey. I remember being in a guitar shop with you and then when you once you played rivers of babylon for some seminary thing and dedicated it to me (by my convincing I'm sure)

Holdinator said...

Oh yeah! I was just telling someone about that the other day. It seems like there were two people in the trunk and I felt guilty about it, so I paid for them anyway.

To think that I played anything by Sublime in Seminary ... heh.