Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reclaiming the psyche 2: Teriyaki Stix

Way back then.



Ah, then.

Yes, way back then. I had a job. It was at Teriyaki Bowl, no wait, Tiki Teriyaki; hold on, that one didn't stick, ah yes! Teriyaki Stix.

We, the managers of the Riverwoods Teriyaki Stix, made that job perhaps the most enjoyable that a job could be. We were pretty much given license to do whatever we felt ought to be done, and we did it.

There were six of us:

Ash, Beth, Nat, Josh, BK, and me.

Six managers, just for the Teriyaki Stix side of the store... I don't think they made much profit.

I had a picture of us somewhere, but you'll just have to imagine it to yourself. This is getting way too long.

BK was put in charge of writing a monthly newsletter for the store. In it, he would interview the employee of the month. I only have one copy of the newsletter, and it is the one from when I was made employee of the mo-- uh, millennium.

He wrote up a synopsis describing our interview, and then included these questions:

BK: What is your favorite color of cleaning spray?
Me: Blue

BK: Why?
Me: Because it smells pleasant.

BK: Have you ever drunk of bottle of soy sauce?
Me: No.

BK: Will you drink of bottle of soy sauce right now?
Me: No.

BK: What is your favorite Simpson's episode?
Me: The gay episode

BK: Why?
Me: I like to see construction workers dance.

BK: What is your favorite Teriyaki dish?
Me: Chocolaki (sukiyaki cooked with Hershey's branch chocolate sauce)

BK: Is that really your favorite dish?
Me: No.

BK: Do you have an embarrassing work moment you want to share?
Me: No.

BK: Do you have an embarrassing work moment?
Me: Yes, but I can't tell you.

BK: Please?
Me: OK, but you can't tell anyone.

I wonder if he ever did reveal my secret. Probably not, because I don't think they would have rehired me after my mission if he did.

Thanks BK. Oh, and thanks for accepting me as a friend on facebook.

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